Turning Content Into Profit – The Writers Roadmap

I never thought that online  marketing would give me enough money to live on and to retire with, yet here I am 20 years later, enjoying life and now writing about my journey, and believe me, if I can make a living from pressing buttons on a keyword with 2 fingers, so can you.

Over the past twenty years, I’ve tried a lot of things, but two years ago, after my stroke, I decided to write content and try to pass on my knowledge. I had no idea what would happen, but here I am still pecking away with two fingers.

Writing is a journey, not just for your audience but for you as well.

While it’s not a shortcut to wealth, with patience and consistency, your content can lead to significant personal and financial growth.

The Power of Consistency

Building an audience through writing is akin to rolling a snowball downhill—it starts small but gains momentum over time.

You gradually attract readers who resonate with your message by consistently producing valuable content. This steady growth requires dedication and a long-term perspective.

The only hiccup you will encounter is when the platforms you use remember they are in it to make money for themselves and not you or go entirely off the rails. Thanks, Elon! But you can overcome all that if you are prepared.

Creating a Framework

To effectively engage your ideal audience, it’s crucial to maintain a clear and consistent focus in your writing.

Diverging into unrelated topics can dilute your message and confuse your readers. For instance, while I have extensive experience in motorcycle racing I choose not to write about it.  I concentrate on helping my audience master content marketing, which aligns with their interests.

I am sure if I started to publish content about trail braking or slipstreaming, I’d lose most of you overnight.

Developing a structured framework guides your audience from initial discovery to becoming dedicated supporters. This journey should begin with high-quality free content and slowly progresses to paid offerings.

Consider a tiered approach:

Entry-Level Offerings: Free resources like guides or eBooks that showcase your expertise.

Mid-Tier Products: Affordable courses or workshops that delve deeper into specific topics.

Premium Services: Personalized coaching or consulting sessions for those seeking tailored guidance.

Exclusive Experiences: High-end retreats or live training sessions for immersive learning.

For example, a life coach might offer a free stress management guide, a weekly newsletter, a series of online courses, one-on-one coaching sessions, and an annual retreat.

Each offering is a step in the journey, leading the audience from free content to premium services.

Things become much simpler with a plan that helps tie everything together for example:

Last week I wrote this article about how to create a personal brand:

How To Create A Personal Brand

I followed that up with a more in-depth version for my newsletter subscribers that took them deeper and gave them a structured path so building a plan:


How To Create A Personal Brand by Mark Thompson

It’s Not All About You!

Read on Substack

Using this approach of picking one of your daily articles and giving subscribers a deep dive and more in-depth version is all about working smarter and using what you know will work.

Executing the Plan

With your framework in place, the next step is to produce content that directs your audience through this journey.

Each piece of content should align with your framework and guide readers toward the next step, whether it’s subscribing to your newsletter, enrolling in a course, or booking a coaching session.

Write daily content, promote the next step and take your readers on a journey. Never forget to ask yourself, What Happens Next?

The Reality Check

Scepticism is natural.

However, success remains elusive without a strategic plan and consistent execution. Committing to a well-defined framework and regularly publishing aligned content increases the likelihood of achieving your goals.

Remember, the journey may be gradual, but with dedication, your writing can lead to substantial rewards.

Imagine something that you wished you’d done in the past like learning the piano for example, what would you be able to play now if you started a year ago? What about 5 or 10 years go?

I decided to focus on creating content and writing two years ago, I never thought I would be able to write anything someone would want to read, yet here I am with over 500 articles under my belt, four books, a newsletter with almost 2000 subscribers and a community of almost 200 likeminded people.

Where will your content take you?

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