Medium – Which Is better Paywalled or Free Articles (Shortform Version)

This month I am running an experiment, where I publish a free article each day alongside my normal paywalled article.

This aims to finally determine which drives more traffic to my newsletter.

When the Medium Partner Program was paying a decent amount per read, then paywalled was the way to go, but those days of 20-30c reads have long gone, and earlier this month, I was earning a fraction of a cent per read.

It was then I decided to test Free vs Paywalled.

Results So Far

I’ve been publishing for two weeks so far (started on January 7th) and I am starting to see results, subscribers to my newsletter are up and free article are performing comparably to my my paywalled content. Keep in mind I don’t email notification of free articles to my audience while I do send notifications for paid articles.

Here is the video where I go through the results so far in some depth, I’ll report back with the final results in two weeks


An amazing resource for Writers and content creators.

This weeks Weekly Kickstart (only 100 words!) shares a link to an amazing free resource that every writer and content creator should be bookmarking… check it out.

Weekly Kickstart #2 by Mark Thompson

This Week An Amazing Free Resource For Writers

Read on Substack

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