Ignore Generic Advice and Go With Your Gut

Why Ignoring Generic Advice Is Often the Best Move

I hate so much of the advice I see online!

Get up at 5am and go to the Gym… Stop buying $5 coffees.

BS advice from BS people!

Ignore generic advice and go with your gut.

Do what you think is best for you, so feel free to ignore this advice if it’s not a good fit!

Here’s why.

One size doesn’t fit all.

Advice that worked  for someone else might fail miserably for you.

Everything about you, your goals, strengths, weaknesses and circumstances are unique.

Trying to force someone else’s blueprint onto your situation is like wearing shoes that don’t fit.

Here is Some Advice You Won’t Want to Ignore (It’s an amazing free resource)

Weekly Kickstart #2 by Mark Thompson

This Week An Amazing Free Resource For Writers

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It lacks context.

Most advice doesn’t account for variables like your business, target audience, challenges or even the time you have available.

Without context, you’re left with vague directions that might lead you nowhere.

It’s often outdated or overcomplicated.

Advice gets recycled endlessly, even when it’s no longer relevant. I can show you advice I got 20 years ago that was wrong that is still getting spread far and wide.

It’s even worse if it’s wrapped in layers of unnecessary complexity, making simple actions feel like climbing Everest.

The best solutions are usually straightforward… Simple Is Profit!

It stifles creativity.

Generic advice tells you to stick to the well-trodden path.

But the real breakthroughs happen when you step off the beaten track and experiment. Always be testing is my mantra.

Your unique perspective often holds the key to success, not someone else’s cookie-cutter method.

When they Zig, you Zag

It leads to mediocrity.

The crowd follows generic advice, which is why it’s generic.

If you want to stand out, you need to think independently and embrace approaches tailored to your situation.

The next time you’re tempted to follow a piece of advice, ask yourself: “Does this make sense for me, right now?”

Trust your instincts.

Filter advice through the lens of your unique circumstances, and you’ll find your way to smarter, more effective solutions.

After all, the best advice is often the one you give yourself.

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