How I got 4000 Email Subscribers In 24 hours

When I started out as an Email Marketer many years ago, I needed subscribers so I devised a cunning plan that worked flawlessly.

This is what I did.

Step One – Reach Out

I reached out to every email marketer I knew and I asked if I could give them a free report that I wrote that they could give to their audience.

To sweeten the deal I told them that I would include all their affiliate links in the report.

I also told them I would only have this available to two people.

The first two who replied were the ones I allowed to distribute the report.

Step Two – The Set up.

I created a free report and a unique landing page for each of the marketers.  It said something along the lines of:

“Special For Subscribers Of <Name>”

In the report, I referenced the value I got from the marketer and also inserted their affiliate links for three products.

The marketers involved needed to have as little work to do as possible.  I even offered to write them an email if they wanted.

Step Three – The Results

After 24 hours, I had a list of over 4000 news subscribers that I could give value to BEFORE trying to sell to them.

It was then just a case of nurturing those subscribers and showing them I gave good advice and could be trusted.

Why This Worked

This worked because I made a simple offer that didn’t require the marketers to do any work; it was just all upside for them.

They made money from the affiliate links and I built a list.

The lessons to take away from this are:

• Think outside the box

• Take action, you never know what will work

• People are fundamentally lazy , give them a good offer that requires them to do very little, and you have a good chance to succeed.









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