Content Marketers – Congratulations , You’ve Found The Holy Grail

In the twenty years since I discovered Content Marketing, I’ve had good times and bad times. As a gift to you going into 2025, I thought I’d share my thoughts about what you need to do to succeed.

Below, I’ll list things that will allow you to build a business and live the lifestyle you want; no matter what your dreams are, content marketing can help you reach them. You’ve just got to focus and not give up.

Let’s do it.

Just Write

The first step is to write every day.

Set aside your writing time and create something new.

If you start doing this, something special happens. You build a habit, and with that habit comes more content than you’ll ever use.

The idea for this article came as I sat in my local cafe sipping a “Cafe con Leche” by the time I’d got home 20 minutes later it was written in my head I just had to transfer it to “paper” and tweak and then publish.  But that’s not all.

This will now become a series of social media posts, maybe the basis of this weeks Newsletter, I’ll use it for a video tomorrow and maybe even create a short course for my Inner circle members.

My coaching community will also benefit from it.

When you write every day, you’ll never struggle for content.

Build that writing habit.

Use Stories

Do you know what separates you from AI?

Your ability to weave your experiences through your content, AI can’t do that.

Your experiences become stories and anecdotes, and they can deliver an important message just as easily as they can make your audience laugh or cry.

Stories can draw your audience into your life and allow them to see, hear, and smell what you did when you were there.

Try to read this article and not know what it was like to sit in the restaurant with me

Stories and anecdotes will draw your audience closer to you and allow you to engage with them much easier.

Start to list interesting things that have happened to you, even if it was just the lengths you went to find a bag of sugar. (This happened yesterday, and I ended up having to open 100 sugar sachets!)


Story => Lesson =>Offer

Build a Personal Brand

You are building a personal brand while writing your content and weaving those stories into your articles and posts.  People don’t buy from sales pages they buy from you, you are the most important asset in your business.

You build your personal brand by sharing valuable content, don’t hold back pout your best stuff out there.

Most people put their best content inside courses and then sell access.  This is not the way to do it.

Give away your best stuff, and then offer to help people implement what you’ve taught them.

Read this Newsletter for an in-depth guide to building a strong personal brand:

How To Create A Personal Brand by Mark Thompson

It’s Not All About You!

Read on Substack

Focus On One Offer

I’ve made this mistake, and I am sure many of you have, and we’ll continue to make it as long as Online Marketing is a thing! Don’t have too many offers.

Create ONE Offer

Just one.

It’s far to easy to have multiple offers,  I have three courses, two communities a newsletter and books I can promote.

When I tried to promote them, they all suffered, so I created just one offer and included everything in it: The All Access Pass.

Once I did that, everything became much easier, sales increased and, importantly my audience got massive value.

You don’t need to do what I did, but start with one offer and tweak it until it works and you are making regular sales. It could even be an affiliate offer or, if you are starting out a newsletter or guide, just something that you can add to all your content that earns you money or grows an email list you can use in the future.

Here is a look Inside The All Access Pass


Keep It Simple

That’s it, If you do these simple things you will build a business next year that will help you to reach your goals.

• Don’t overcomplicate things,

• Put out content every day to grow your audience

•Use stories to engage with your audience and build your personal brand ( YOU are your business)

• Have one offer for those in your audience who want to take things further.

Final thoughts,

Keep It Simple and Give It Time



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